My trip to Yelagiri
Hi everyone!
Sorry its been a long time since i wrote anything....but now i wanna share what i did on my trip to Yelagiri....i only went for 2 days but it was great! I was there Saturday and Sunday(03/03/2007-04/03/2007) with my family and all of my dad's office colleagues.
FIRST DAY:First, we drove up the hill and passed a lot of 'vallaivugal'(curves) and saw a lot of cute monkeys too! Then when we reached the top we stayed in a bungalow big enough for all of us.
We just lazed around in the afternoon and played a bit and sang some songs. Oh! and a lot of people have been asking me where i get my Japanese song lyrics. Well, I can give you the 2 main links where i get the lyrics but if there is any certain song you want the lyrics for, just post a comment or send an email and I'll send the specific site. As for the mp3s, I'm afraid i have no specific site for them because i get different mp3s from different sites. Well, you can just take a look at these links if you want to(they're actually the same site but one is an older version) (new version)
or (older version)
Oh! I seem to be getting off the topic too much! Well, in the evening i went out for a little walk to a playground with some of the people who had come and my mom and we played a bit of throw ball. When we came back we sang a few more songs and some new people got introduced and some people cracked a few jokes(at least i think they were jokes because everyone kept laughing kind of .....err...hysterically...and i didn't laugh because i didn't really get the joke...)then we had a campfire and we played 'anthakshari' and some people danced.
SECOND DAY: We had to wake up really early next morning, and go trekking. Me and everyone else drove to the spot from where we were going to start trekking in bus and then got down and started to climb up. It was a really difficult climb up and my parents were walking reallyyyyyyy I just left them behind and climbed on with another group! I was the 3rd girl to reach the summit .....and the youngest! And everyone celebrated holi when they got to the top and threw colours on each other. We then started climbing down. Though it was easier to go down than still wasn't easy to go 2 km up and 2 km down! Well, once again I was one of the first to come down. We then drove to the bungalow and started home.
Oh and here is a link to a video I made about the trip! Please see it:
It was a really interesting and enjoyable trip to Yelgiri and i'll send the pictures as soon as I can!!! Until then see ya later!
Sorry its been a long time since i wrote anything....but now i wanna share what i did on my trip to Yelagiri....i only went for 2 days but it was great! I was there Saturday and Sunday(03/03/2007-04/03/2007) with my family and all of my dad's office colleagues.
FIRST DAY:First, we drove up the hill and passed a lot of 'vallaivugal'(curves) and saw a lot of cute monkeys too! Then when we reached the top we stayed in a bungalow big enough for all of us.
We just lazed around in the afternoon and played a bit and sang some songs. Oh! and a lot of people have been asking me where i get my Japanese song lyrics. Well, I can give you the 2 main links where i get the lyrics but if there is any certain song you want the lyrics for, just post a comment or send an email and I'll send the specific site. As for the mp3s, I'm afraid i have no specific site for them because i get different mp3s from different sites. Well, you can just take a look at these links if you want to(they're actually the same site but one is an older version) (new version)
or (older version)
Oh! I seem to be getting off the topic too much! Well, in the evening i went out for a little walk to a playground with some of the people who had come and my mom and we played a bit of throw ball. When we came back we sang a few more songs and some new people got introduced and some people cracked a few jokes(at least i think they were jokes because everyone kept laughing kind of .....err...hysterically...and i didn't laugh because i didn't really get the joke...)then we had a campfire and we played 'anthakshari' and some people danced.
SECOND DAY: We had to wake up really early next morning, and go trekking. Me and everyone else drove to the spot from where we were going to start trekking in bus and then got down and started to climb up. It was a really difficult climb up and my parents were walking reallyyyyyyy I just left them behind and climbed on with another group! I was the 3rd girl to reach the summit .....and the youngest! And everyone celebrated holi when they got to the top and threw colours on each other. We then started climbing down. Though it was easier to go down than still wasn't easy to go 2 km up and 2 km down! Well, once again I was one of the first to come down. We then drove to the bungalow and started home.
Oh and here is a link to a video I made about the trip! Please see it:
It was a really interesting and enjoyable trip to Yelgiri and i'll send the pictures as soon as I can!!! Until then see ya later!
At 2:28 PM,
vinay said…
The youngest to reach the top!!!That's some feat!!:-)) you could have written something about the view as well maya...the view from the top was awesome...right? the walk uphill...the cold wind....the big stones....and your video is nice too!!!all of us saw it!!!Way to go girl!!!
At 5:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
konnichiwa maya-chan!
im soooo happy to meet uuuu :)
thank vinay-chan for making such a pretty girl come to my blog! hehe.. was temporarily down, so i will check it out later.
of all the singers in japan, whom do u like, maya-chan?? u like SMAP?
it was sooo much fun to look at the pics and posts of ur trip.
thanks million!! oh i wish i were ur dad's colleague.
trekking seem to be hard thoo lol
plz take a rest and have a nice weekend!!
At 3:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
maya-chan doomo arigatoo for the link to ur video!!
that was really cool :)
i could open the animelyrics today.
as for ur question, i think the first translation is right.
'yume wa tobitatsu no'(dreams fly away/launch).
'chiisana tsubasa de'(by small wings).
jaa mata ne!! hugzzzz
At 4:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
ooops sorry!
jaa ne!! is like 'bye' in japan.
mata means again. kinda 'see u again'
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