My new movie 'cra-ze'
sorry it's been such a long time since i even wrote anything. Just wanted to tell you all that now, we have become members at a place where you can rent DVDs and VCDs. I have now taken to watching a lot of Alfred Hitchcock and Gregory Peck movies(and a few other movies of my choice,like 'lion king 1 1/2' for instance!). Like,
- To kill a mocking bird(Gregory Peck )
- Roman holiday(Gregory Peck )
- Gentlemen's agreement(Gregory Peck )
- Rebecca(Alfred Hitchcock )
And finally....... the most scariest movies of all Alfred Hitchcock......................................
~~~~~ PSYCHO~~~~~
The most breath-taking,blood-curdling,movie.....ever. The scene that scared me the most was the intense shower scene. The scene in which the heroine of the movie,Marion(Janet Leigh)is killed. The funny thing is it happens in the starting of the movie. Actually,my history report card said that iam an 'unusually mature child' ; so my dad said that if I watched the whole movie and slept through the night without nightmares, it would prove my maturity. So that's how i ended up watching Psycho in the first place.
THE SHOWER SCENE:Here is a rundown of what happens in the shower scene.......
Marion is taking a shower in the bathroom.....the scene is shown from different angles.....the shower growing darker...and darker....a figure is seen....and the curtain is pulled open...(dun dun dun dun 'scary music')...AAAAAAAAAAAAA!....she screams as the knife of the villain is cutting on her hand ....her back ....her tummy(ooooo!that must have hurt!)...blood is now pouring down onto the bathroom floor....the secret murderer is no longer there....Marion pulls down the curtain,tearing it....and falls down....onto the bathroom floor.... there is blood in the bathtub....blood on the floor....blood,on her....and on the culprit's guilty hands.....she is lying there on the floor...dead......shower is still on...........
Now tell me, was that scary or WAS THAT SCARY?
(hehehehehehehheheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Be careful while taking a shower, my dears!!)
At 10:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
Personally my scariest was when Norman was dressed as the mother with a crazy smile on his face and a knife in his hand, in the final scene.But I saw Psycho when I was around 27 years old and was really scared to go into the shower for weeks.Considering that, Maya was very brave, except she wanted to sleep with us that night.I hope me and Balaji as parents have not pyschologically damaged her or anything.
At 11:15 AM,
vinay said…
yipeee...that's a good start look out for some other movies as Ben Hur and ten commandments..all immortal classics!!!!and dont worry..the movie u saw falls into a genre of "scary" movies coz...they make people scared!!!anyways ur post reminded me that i havent taken a shower today morning!!!and lucky that i didnt!!!!
keep will go a long way!!!cio!!!
At 4:47 PM,
Sudarsan said…
Next, you should move on to "8 heads in a duffel bag".
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